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Dear readers, before I explain Genshin Impact in a boring way, I would like to share my own thoughts. Genshin Impact is an open-world game filled with sweet and adorable Zelda influences. In the game, you have the option to instantly enhance your abilities by investing money, but my favorite feature is the opportunity to acquire items and characters through the wish system by diligently completing quests. This allows you to level up and undertake missions to reach higher levels.
The story of the game revolves around the interstellar adventure of the lost twin siblings, Lumine and Aether. You begin the game by selecting one of the siblings and awakening in a world called Tevyat. We embark on numerous adventures in search of the two siblings, accompanied by a character named Paimon.
In terms of gameplay, there are 4 main classes based on elements such as fire, water, air, ice, lightning and earth. Using these elements, you can create teams of 4 people and enter the dungeons and participate in boss battles. You can improve yourself by completing the main components. Each mission has its own story, and its details are elaborately designed. I can sometimes immerse myself in the story and set up with the characters in the mission or have negative feelings towards anti-heroes by examining the connection of a task I took just for the purpose of passing hours, in detail.
Let's come to the Elements Part
Cryo: Ice.
Dendro: Nature.
Pyro: Fire
Hydro: Water.
Anemo: Wind.
Electro: Electric.
Geo: Earth.
Fire (Pyro) Interactions
Fire – Water Interaction: Vaporize: Deals additional elemental damage and dissipates when the effect occurs.
Fire – Wind Interaction: Swirl: Swirl uses the first element and scatters it around.
Fire – Electric Interaction: Overload: Creates an explosion and deals fire damage to the surrounding area. It is effective in breaking earth shields.
Fire – Nature Interaction: Burn: Deals additional fire damage over time.
Fire – Ice Interaction: Melt: Deals reduced bonus damage.
Fire – Earth Interaction: Crystallize: Crystallization creates a shield against an incoming element that reduces elemental damage.
Water (Hydro) Interactions
Water – Fire Interaction: Vaporize: Deals additional elemental damage and dissipates when the effect occurs.
Water – Wind Interaction: Swirl: Swirl uses the first element and scatters it around.
Water-Electric Interaction: Charged: Deals electrical damage over time.
Water – Ice Interaction: Frozen: Frozen targets cannot move. Damaging frozen targets makes them break out of the ice.
Water – Earth Interaction: Crystallize: Crystallization creates a shield against an incoming element that reduces elemental damage.
Wind (Anemo) Interactions
Wind – Fire, Water, Ice or Electricity Interaction: Swirl: The Swirl uses the first element and scatters it around.
Electrical (Electro) Interactions
Electric - Fire Interaction: Overload: Creates an explosion and deals fire damage to the surrounding area. It is effective in breaking earth shields.
Electric – Water Interaction: Charged: Deals electrical damage over time.
Electricity - Wind Interaction: Swirl: The Swirl uses the first element and scatters it around.
Electric – Ice Interaction: Superconduct: Deals ice damage to the environment and lowers the defensive stats of targets.
Electricity - Earth Interaction: Crystallize: Crystallization creates a shield against incoming element, reducing element damage.
Nature (Dendro) Interactions
Nature – Fire Interaction: Burn: Deals additional fire damage over time.
Ice (Cryo)
Ice – Fire Interaction: Melt: Deals reduced bonus damage.
Ice – Water Interaction: Frozen: Frozen targets cannot move. Damaging frozen targets makes them break out of the ice.
Ice – Wind Interaction: Swirl: Swirl uses the first element and scatters it around.
Ice – Electric Interaction: Superconduct: Deals ice damage to the environment and lowers the defensive stats of targets.
Ice – Earth Interaction: Crystallize: Crystallization creates a shield against an incoming element that reduces elemental damage.
Soil (Geo) Interactions
Earth – Fire, Water, Ice or Electricity Interaction: Crystallize: Crystallization creates a shield against an incoming element that reduces elemental damage.
Dear readers, it is my great pleasure to share these basic information with you to encourage you to immerse yourselves in the vast world of Genshin Impact. Don't wait any longer, take a step into the enchanting world of Genshin Impact!
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