V Rising Guide - Getting Started (2023)

V Rising Getting Started Guide

Produced and published by Stunlock Studios, V Rising has developed with Unity game engine. The game can be played single player or multiplayer. The game is only suitable for Microsoft Windows platform. The early access version of V Rising was released to users on May 17, 2022. More than 500,000 copies were sold within three days of the game's release, reaching one million copies as of May 25.

Game Mode Selection

Before starting the game, different V Rising servers, which can be chosen between them, come before the players. Players compete with other vampires for resources on PvE servers. But they do not fight each other. In standard PVP servers, there is also a race for resources and other players can be harmed. Their castles can be raided to loot and gain items.

On Full Loot PvP servers, when players die, they lose everything, not just materials. The killing player can get all of these items. In such servers there is more effort to hunt other players. Finally, Duo PvP servers have the same structure as normal PvP. The only difference is that the maximum clan size on these servers is limited to two people. It is very important to properly choose the preferred server style before starting the game.

V Rising Start

V Rising can be described as a combination of Valheim and Rust. After creating their Vampire Lords and exiting the graveyard, players look for a way out of the temple. When exiting the temple, it is passed to Farbane Woods, which appears to be a peaceful area. Afterwards, it is continued on the dirt road and the skeletons are killed and their bones are collected.

After collecting 30 bones, the first quest is completed so that a sword can be made from bone. Skeletons are dealt more damage with a bone sword. Skeletons continue to be killed and then the character is given bone chest guards, pants, gloves and boots. Press the "M" key to use the map. Different materials can be collected by hitting various objects around, such as trees and stones. The "B" key is used to create a structure. Building a castle is very important to protect yourself from other players and monsters. The tasks in the upper left corner of the game are completed by following them in order.

Influence of the Sun

Vampires are generally known as sun-affected beings. This also applies to the V Rising game. When the character is under the influence of the sun even for a few seconds, he starts to take a lot of damage. It is important to hide in green areas during the daytime.

Veil of Blood can be used when it is necessary to pass through open areas. Players who do not want to move can also build different structures. However, as in real life, the size of the shadow areas may vary according to the position of the sun. The shadows should be followed and the darkness should be expected without damage from the sun.

Building a Base

A base cannot be built until the sixth mission is completed in V Rising. The structure named "Lord of Shadows" needs to be placed in the middle area of the base. Players usually make their starting bases temporarily. It is sufficient to have a base in the starting area to store items during battle. Because rare resources are not found in the starting area.

It makes more sense to establish a permanent base in a better region in the future. But this base should also be in an expandable structure. Various objects can be placed inside the base, and stronger materials and items can be designed by processing these objects.

Exiting the Game

V Rising game is designed as a permanent survival game. Thus, even after exiting the game, the character and the castle remain on the server. But the players do not leave their characters exposed.

It is very important to be inside the base before exiting. Otherwise, it is very likely that the character will be turned into ashes when you enter the game. A coffin is placed inside the base and the character is allowed to rest by logging out in this coffin.

Resource Economy

V Rising is a game based on materials. Therefore, the resources collected in the game should not be wasted. Placing more chests on bases is a good solution, rather than wasting resources or leaving excess resources lying around. It is very important to keep every material in the game.

Also, spotless hearts that can drop from various monsters should definitely be stocked up. These unblemished hearts are used to create greater V Rising blood essence. Unstained hearts should be stocked in a chest until the blood pressure is unlocked.

What You Eat You Turn Into It!

There are six different blood types in the V Rising game. When players feed their vampires, their blood type is formed accordingly. For example, when a scientist's blood is drunk, the character's magic power is increased and its cooldown is reduced. When a deer's blood is drunk, it moves faster and increases its resistance to sun damage.

Blood quality has a very important role in the game. When feeding from a creature with low blood quality, only one passive buff can be gained, while a creature with a blood quality close to 100% has a chance to obtain five passive buffs. Care should therefore be taken in the selection of prisoners to be collected for the blood bank in the future. (Buy Best PC Games in eTail!)

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