When Does League of Legends Season End?

When Does League of Legends Season End?

When Lol Season Ends?

League of Legends is an online video game developed by Riot Games and released in 2008. This online game made in the style of Moba is free. In League of Legends, teams compete against each other and fight to destroy the opposing team's base. There are periods in the League of Legends game, which is played online. The periods that players call mostly League of Legends seasons or lol seasons vary. Players who have been playing League of Legends for years wonder when these seasons start and when they end. If you are a Lol player, you will be able to learn the end date of the Lol season or the start date of the Lol season in this guide we have prepared for you.


What is Lol Season?

Lol season is a term used to denote periods in League of Legends. Lol seasons usually last a single year. However, in some international championships, these seasons are divided into two. Championship seasons are divided into "Spring Season" and "Summer Season". Lol Spring Season and Lol Summer Season are the periods reserved for the European Championship. The competitors who will compete in the spring season start to try and prepare for the tournament as of January. In the spring season, the champion is selected with the final. In the summer season, a fierce Lol match is played between the champions in the spring. Teams that are successful in the summer season participate in the Lol World Championship. The only annual season in League of Legends begins in the fall. The season in the League of Legends general game starts right after the League of Legends World Championship event. Just before the League of Legends World Championship, the season ends.


Lol Season Changes

The endings and beginnings of the seasons in League of Legends bring the changes in the game. These include champions, champions' items, map types, or gameplay differences. So how do these happen? League of Legends items change before and after each season. Developer teams innovate on items that have been played less or more in previous seasons. If there is an imbalance in the game, the powers of the items are changed. If the items were used less than in previous seasons, they make it usable.

League of Legends characters may also be subject to season changes. Characteristics, visuals or abilities of the less played or more played characters are changed according to the seasons. Sometimes, if one season is purely AD (attack damage) focused, another season might be AP (ability points). Players watching the pre- and post-season games or the finals can make a guess on them. The biggest change that can be made in a season is usually in the League of Legends maps. Championship results, champions' stories or important days (Christmas, etc.) can be changed on the maps.


When Does Lol Season 11 End?

Season 11 of League of Legends continues. The League of Legends ranked season will end on November 16, 2021.


When Does Lol Season 12 Begin?

League of Legends season 11, which is currently ongoing, is about to end. League of Legends Season 12 is expected to begin on January 11, 2022.

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