What Are Popular Strategy Games?

What Are Popular Strategy Games?

PC Games have offered people the opportunity to engage in mental challenges, social interaction, and competition over a long period of time. Many different new games are released every year, but only some of them survive in the following years. Strategy games are also a type of game that offers people the opportunity to improve themselves. In such games, the course of the game progresses not by chance, but by strategy. Players get the chance to determine the outcome of the game with the decisions they make. In games of chance, the abilities of the players remain in the background. Therefore, victory in strategy games is related to how good the players are. Players determine strategies for themselves and decide in line with these strategies. This decision-making ability does not occur by chance. Better strategies can be determined by looking at the results of the strategies used in the game. Thus, the ability of the players to produce different solutions in difficult situations develops. In some games, the path to victory can be reached with more than one strategy. This allows players to achieve success in games by determining different strategies. Many games progress on a specific scenario to immerse players.

In strategy games, game designers do not create a specific scenario. The people who created this scenario are the actors themselves. In this way, different scenarios occur within the game and this situation attracts the attention of the players. Certain information is presented to the players, and then players create their own scenarios based on this information. Strategy games can reflect the real world of players. Because the decisions in strategy games are completely personal. Abstract strategy games do not have a specific story. In these games, players solve the problem using simple rules and their own logic. Strategy games should not act without thinking. The strategies of other players should be looked at and you should design your own strategy to be better than theirs. In addition, strategy games play a very important role in the development of children. Focusing on the game and thinking about strategies improves attention and concentration skills. Strategy games combine fun and intelligence development, so it is a very suitable game category for people of all ages around the world. It is also very successful in preventing problems such as Alzheimer's and aging. Such games allow both lobes of the brain to work simultaneously. Thus, the rate of people who want to achieve success in learning and mental development increases, preferring such games.

Listed below are some of the best and most popular strategy games.

  • Total War: Warhammer 2
  • XCOM 2
  • StarCraft 2: Wings of Liberty
  • Warcraft 3
  • Civilization 6
  • Northgard
  • Tropico
  • Company of Heroes
  • Football Manager
  • Plague Inc: Evolved

Total War: Warhammer 2

Creative Assembly is the developer of Total War: Warhammer 2. This game is a real-time strategy game and was released for Windows on September 28, 2017 by SEGA. It was later released for Linux and macOS on November 20, 2018. Total War: Warhammer 2 is directed by Ian Roxburgh. This game is a sequel to Total War: Warhammer and they are considering releasing Total War: Warhammer III later. As of November 2020, an average of 20,983.6 people play this game per month. You can play the game as single player or multiplayer. The game has a really unique and immersive structure. The story of the game begins thousands of years ago when mysterious space creatures known as the Old Ones came to the World of Warhammer and reshaped it to meet their needs. Here they created different species to fight the forces of chaos. The names of these races are High Elves, Dark Elves, Lizardmen and Skaven. There are different parallel universes and different stories in this game. In Total War: Warhammer 2, there are constantly bloody and brutal wars, and you manage these wars with different strategies. The High Elves see themselves as the leaders of the world. The Dark Elves are the black magic-exposed variant of the High Elves race. The Dark Elves race aims to destroy the High Elves Race. Lizardmen, on the other hand, are generally loyal and are known as lizardmen. It can be said that the Skaven race, known as the last race, consists of mice with human characteristics. This race can move underground without being seen by its enemies. Total War: Warhammer 2 is a game that requires really strong strategies and is very entertaining.

Below are the minimum system requirements required to play this game.

  • Operating System: Windows 7/8/8.1 (64-bit)
  • Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo / AMD Phenom x2 – 3.0 GHz
  • Memory: 5GB of RAM
  • Video Card: NVIDIA GTX 460 / AMD Radeon HD 5770
  • VRAM: 1GB of VRAM
  • DirectX: Version 11
  • Storage: 60 GB available space

Total War: Warhamemer 2 is a paid game and is available on the Steam platform.  However, it is possible to buy the Steam CD Key of this game at cheaper prices by following the discounts on web site like etail.market!


The developer of the XCOM 2 game is Firaxis Games. This game is a strategy game that is the sequel to XCOM: Enemy Unknown series. It was released by 2K Games on February 5, 2016 and is directed by Jake Solomon. As of January 2021, an average of 3,912.4 people play this game monthly. It is suitable for platforms such as Microsoft Windows, OS X, Linux, Playstation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, iOS and Android. It can also be considered a tactical role-playing game. XCOM 2 game is powered by Unreal Engine 3.5. You start XCOM 2, skipping the battle that took place in XCOM: Enemy Unkown and Enemy Within. This game assigns you as a commander during the alien invasion of Earth in the game. There is a war struggle against the alien invasion all over the world. The world in XCOM 2 is ruled by an alien-human hybrid entity known as Advent. Advent conducts different experiments on humans. As the commander of a handful of soldiers, you need to put an end to these events. You have to secretly destroy the alien bases established on Earth with your team and save the Earth. But it is not so easy to destroy these alien teams that are now established on Earth. Since they settled here, they can easily call a support team. Moreover, you have a certain time in the game to destroy these alien bases. You are trying to complete the missions in the best way during this time by fighting illegally and secretly. You have a base called Avanger for your team to rest. You can make weapon, armor and ship improvements by doing different researches on this base. You have to save the world by using different strategies in XCOM 2 game.

The minimum system requirements of this game are given below.

  • Operating System: Windows® 7, 64-bit
  • Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo E4700 2.6 GHz or AMD Phenom 9950 Quad Core 2.6 GHz
  • Memory: 4GB of RAM
  • Video Card: 1GB ATI Radeon HD 5770, 1GB NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460
  • DirectX: Version 11
  • Storage: 45 GB available space
  • Sound Card: DirectX compatible sound card

StarCraft 2: Wings of Liberty

Starcraft 2: Wings of Liberty is the sequel to Starcraft and is a real-time strategy game. It was released on July 27, 2010 by Blizzard Entertainment. The designer of the game is Dustin Browder and the developer is Blizzard Entertainment. You can play this game as single player or multiplayer. This game takes place in a remote part of the Milky Way Galaxy in the 26th century. As in the previous StarCraft Game, there are 3 different races in this game and they are Terran, Zerg and Protoss. There are many new characters and features in this game compared to the old game. In Starcraft 2, more emphasis is placed on the multiplayer system than in Starcraft: Brood War. In single-player gameplay, it proceeds as a continuation of the story of the first game. A three-dimensional graphics engine is used and there is DirectX 10 support. The story of the game is based on new colonies discovered by people exiled from Earth and their efforts to establish a new world and survive. Complete different missions and then return to the spaceship. There are different characters in this spaceship and they help us with the scenario. Upgrades can be done on units and buildings in the Armory section. In the laboratory part, we can apply the abilities of other races to our own team by conducting different experiments. In the Bridge section of the ship, the tasks you want to do are displayed. From here, you can take normal tasks as well as additional tasks. After completing the missions, we can make more improvements by earning different rewards. The scenario of StarCraft 2 is really high quality, but the multiplayer mode in this game is just as enjoyable. If you want, it is possible to fight one-on-one or as a team. Although there are serious games, it is possible to play games for your pleasure in this game. In multiplayer games, users earn different rewards according to their success. It is also possible to chat with other players in the game.

The minimum system requirements of this game are given below.

  • ​Operating System: Windows® 7 / Windows® 8 / Windows® 10
  • Processor: Intel® Core™ 2 Duo or AMD Athlon™ 64 X2 5600+
  • RAM: 2GB.
  • Video card: NVIDIA® GeForce® 7600 GT or ATI™ Radeon™ HD 2600 XT or Intel® HD Graphics 3000 and better.
  • Storage Space: 30GB.

It is possible to download this game for free by entering the StarCaft site. Being able to experience the uniquely enjoyable game for free is a really good feature.

Warcraft 3

Blizzard Entertainment is the developer and publisher of the Warcraft 3 game. It was released on July 3, 2002 for the United States and July 5, 2002 for the European Union. Warcraft 3 is a real-time strategy game and a video game loved by many players. It is suitable for Microsoft Windows, Mac OS and Mac OS X platforms. The designer of this game is Rob Pardo. As of 2021, an average of 6,705,016 players play this game per month. It is possible to play this game in single player and multiplayer. The story of Warcraft 3 is known as the sequel to Warcraft 2. A gameplay based on the development and strengthening of your character in the game is observed. You gain experience points by defeating the creatures called Creeps in the game. These experience points make your character stronger. Resources such as gold, wood and food in the game also make your character stronger. Thanks to these resources, you can buy stronger armor for your character. There are also magical items in the game. There are 8 races with different characteristics in Warcraft 3 game. These races are Undead Scourge, Human Alliance, Orcish Horde, Night Elf of Kalimdore, Blood Mage, Shadow Hunter, Warden and Crypt Lord. The main purpose in the scenario is to complete the tasks that need to be done and move on to the next stage. Although you usually start alone at first, new warriors will be added to your side over time. In the last part of the camps, you will be able to use all the features of the race. The team whose city center is destroyed loses the game. The city center also determines the level of development of other buildings in the game. In short, the most important building in the game is the city center. You are trying to destroy the city centers of your opponents by strengthening your city and your army with the resources around. Warcraft 3 is a world famous game.

The minimum system requirements for this game are listed below.

  • Operating System: Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10 64-bit (latest version)
  • Processor: Intel Core i3-530 or AMD Athlon Phenom II X4 910 or better.
  • Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTS 450 or AMD Radeon HD 5750 or better.
  • Memory (RAM): 4 GB of RAM.
  • Storage: 30GB HD space
  • Internet: Broadband Internet connection
  • Resolution: 800 x 600 minimum screen resolution

Civilization 6

Civilization 6 is developed by Firaxis Games. It was first released for Microsoft Windows on October 21, 2016. The company that published this game is 2K Games. Its producer is Ed Beach. As of June 2021, an average of 35,129.5 players play this game monthly. Being the sixth game in the Civilization series, the graphics quality is also really good. The aim in this game is to develop a civilization in military, technological and cultural sense, starting from the lowest age. Players can achieve these upgrades by collecting materials around, increasing their field of view in the world, attacking different players, and defending their own city well. Military technology must also be advanced to make powerful attacks and defenses. This game can be played as single player or multiplayer. There is an effort to evolve from a small tribe into a community that can rule the entire planet. While playing this game alone, the players in front of you become artificial intelligence. But if you play this game as multiplayer, you will come across compelling real players. There are different civilizations in the game and these civilizations have their own characteristics. Managing farmers is at the core of this game. You can meet your food needs by farming with the farmers, you can meet your need for wood by collecting wood, and you can get stone and gold by digging various mines. These materials allow you to improve your structures. Additionally, you can provide protection by building walls around your community. Building an army is also a job that requires a significant amount of material. That's why you have to move very quickly in the game and establish a strong army before your opponents. This makes it easier to attack or respond to their attacks. You can speed up the development steps by following different strategies. The main building of your village is the most important building. If the main building is destroyed, you lose the game. Likewise, you win the game when you destroy other players' main buildings. Team battles are also available in multiplayer mode. You can develop faster by entering team battles and trading with your teammate. It is also possible to provide material and army support to each other with your teammate. In the game, you start from the Normal Age and then you reach the Golden Age, the Dark Age, and finally the Heroic Age, respectively. As the age progresses, your army, defense and buildings develop more.Bu oyunun minimum sistem gereksinimleri aşağıda listelenmiştir.

  • Operating System: Windows 7 64bit / 8.1 64bit / 10 64bit.
  • Processor: Intel Core i3 2.5 Ghz, AMD Phenom II 2.6 Ghz.
  • RAM: 4GB of RAM.
  • Free Disk Space: 12 GB.
  • Video Card: 1 GB DirectX 11 Video Card (AMD 5570 , nVidia 450)


Northgard game was released on March 7, 2018. Its producer and publisher is Shiro Games. It is a real time strategy game. Compatible with Windows 7/8/10, Linux and Mac OS X platforms. As of June 2021, the monthly average number of players is 2,093.7. The directors of the game are Kim Jung Ju and Jake Song. This game is a combination of the extremely popular strategy game Age of Empires and the less popular Grand Ages Rome games. Northgard is a Viking tale that seeks to avenge the murder of the Northmen's father by Hagen. This game is a very challenging game and requires patience. The basic city management includes military buildings, mines, farms, hunter houses and more. In addition, the needs of the people are also considered in the Northgard game. When the people are not happy, dictators suffer greatly. The population growth of the city in this game is related to the number of houses in the city. Population growth can stall when not enough houses are built. To avoid this, you should build an appropriate amount of houses for the number of communities you want to create. The most basic needs are food and shelter. The townspeople demand more and more with the development. Clan reputation determines the superiority of your clan. Players can contribute to their clan superiority by increasing their technological and military power. You can play this game alone against the computer or with your friends online.Aşağıda Northgard oyununun minimum sistem gereksinimleri sıralanmıştır.

  • Operating System:  Windows Vista
  • Processor: Intel 2.0ghz Core 2 Duo
  • Memory: 1GB RAM
  • Video Card: Nvidia 450 GTS / Radeon HD 5750
  • DirectX: Version 10
  • Storage: 1 GB available space
  • Additional Notes: Minimum screen resolution 1366x768

Northgard is a game that can be downloaded and played through the Steam platform. It can be played as single player, online PVP and online co-op.

Tropico 6

Tropico 6 is a game developed by Limbic Entertainment. This game was released on March 29, 2019 by Kalypso Media company. The names of the producers of the game Tropico 6 are Andreas Reißner, Knut Arnold, Marcus Cool and Leonard Tetzlaff. It is currently the latest game in the Tropico series. It supports Unreal Engine 4 game engine. It is suitable for Microsoft Windows, macOS, Linux, SteamOS, Playstation 4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch platforms. This strategy game is also known as construction, management and government simulation. As of June 2021, it has an average of 964.0 players per month. It is a single player and multiplayer game. You play the game in a city where banana picking makes enough money to improve technology. You start this game by making small buildings. Then you sell houses to the people in these buildings and you build bigger buildings with the money you earn. Managing the city is quite difficult. You completely handle the roads and layout of the city. You can quickly establish the most advanced city using different strategies. With the city you developed, you can progress to skyscraper constructions. A very enjoyable and calming game for those who love risk and city management. The price of the Tropico 6 game on the Steam platform is 139 TL.Aşağıda Tropico 6 oynayabilmeniz için gereken minimum sistem gereksinimleri listelenmiştir.

Requires 64-bit processor and operating system.

  • Operating System: Windows 7 64-bit.
  • Processor: AMD or Intel, 3 GHz (AMD A10 7850K, Intel i3-2000)
  • Memory: 8GB of RAM.
  • Graphics: AMD/NVIDIA dedicated GPU, 2GB dedicated VRAM (Radeon HD 7870, Geforce GTX 750)
  • DirectX: Version 11.

Company of Heroes 2

The developer of Company of Heroes 2 is Relic Entertainment. This game was released on June 25, 2013 by the Sega company. It is a real-time strategy game suitable for the Microsoft Windows platform. The designer of Company of Heroes 2 is Quinn Duffy and this game supports the Essence Engine 3.0 game engine. It can be played as single player and multiplayer. As of August 2020, the monthly average number of players is 5,079.6. This game focuses on the Eastern front of the Second World War and in the game the user takes on the role of the Russians. There are different units in the game and you manage these units with your own strategies. The strength of these troops depends on how many soldiers are alive. Keeping each team moving and surviving can be challenging in this battle. There are also different challenging missions. Among these missions, in some of them, it may be necessary to constantly produce new troops against the enemies that come in large numbers. To survive for a long time, it is necessary to produce expensive troops of soldiers. Although cheap troop units can be created more quickly, their survival time is very short. There are also different tanks in Company of Heroes 2 game. The physics used in this game are very realistic and almost all structures can be destroyed. This challenging game can also be played as multiplayer. A strategy game suitable for those who want to experience a real war. You have to get better strategies by applying wrong strategies. This way it will be easier for you to achieve victory. After Company of Heroes 2, Company of Heroes 3 game has been released on the Steam platform and this game is free. The price of the Company of Heroes game on Steam is 31 TL.

Below are the minimum system requirements of the Company of Heroes game.

  • CPU: 2 GHz Dual Core CPU, Intel Core 2 Duo or better
  • RAM: 512MB
  • Video Card: Nvidia 8000-series or Radeon 3000-series or Intel HD 3000-HD 4000 with DirectX 9 support.
  • Operating System: Windows XP SP 3
  • Storage: 12GB Free Space

Football Manager 2021

The developer of the Football Manager 20201 game is Sports Interactive. It was released on November 24, 2020 by Sega company. The genre is a soccer simulation strategy game. It can be played as single player and multiplayer. It is suitable for Microsoft Windows, macOS, iOS, Android, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch platforms. The name of the director of this game is Miles Jacobson. In this game you create your own football team. Then you play on your squad by going to different matches. It is possible to win better wins with different strategies. By training your squad, you can make it better. Football Manager 2021, the latest game in the Football Manager series, is really a good strategy game as a football simulation. People who are interested in football usually prefer this game. Football Manager 2021 is a game that can be downloaded and played on the Steam platform. The current price of this game on Steam is 299 TL.

Below are the minimum system requirements for Football Manager 2021.

Requires 64-bit processor and operating system

  • ​Operating System: Windows 7, 8/8.1, 10 (64-bit)
  • Processor: Intel Core 2 / AMD Athlon 64 – 1.8 GHz
  • Memory: 4GB of RAM
  • Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce 9600M GT / AMD Radeon HD 3650
  • VRAM: 256MB of VRAM
  • DirectX: Version 11
  • Storage: 7 GB available space

Plague Inc: Evolved

Plague Inc: Evolved is a real-time strategy game. The developer and publisher of this game is Ndemic Creations. The game runs on the Unity game engine. It can be played on Xbox One, Microsoft Windows, macOS, Linux, Playstation 4 and Nintendo Switch platforms. The game's release date is September 18, 2015. It can be played in single player or multiplayer. In this game you control the plague disease. The aim of the game is to sow and kill the entire world population by developing this disease. While you are developing this disease, people are producing vaccines and similar solutions against this disease. That's why you have to follow different strategies to spread the disease all over the world and kill people all over the world by racing against time. It is a very simple strategy game that anyone can play. The game Plague Inc: Evolved is available on the Steam platform and its price is currently 24 TL. It is possible to find the Steam CD Key of this game cheaper from different websites. It is a really immersive and fun strategy game.

Below are the minimum system requirements for Plague Inc: Evolved.

  • Operating System: Windows 10.
  • Processor: 3.0GHz i5 Dual Core or equivalent.
  • Memory: 2GB of RAM.
  • Video Card: Nvidia GeForce GTX 650 Radeon HD 3600 (1GB)
  • Storage: 1 GB of available space.
  • Additional Notes: Unsupported video cards: Intel HD Graphics 3000, Intel GMA X3100, Intel GMA 950.


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